Real Estate Law
Real estate law encompasses several different areas of the law. When purchasing real estate, it is necessary to obtain an opinion as to whether the seller has clear title. Title companies provide service associated with real estate transactions; After a title opinion is given, title insurance is obtained to pay damages in the event the seller does not have a clear title.
Real estate law covers the rights and responsibilities associated with ownership of real property. Disputes often arise between adjoining landowners regarding property lines and use of the property that may be considered a nuisance.
A significant area of the law, also, involves appropriate use of the property regarding various zoning restrictions. Attorneys can appear with clients before administrative review panels to either obtain a variance from a zoning law, or object to the change of how a particular piece of property is zoned.
The Law Offices of Steven K. Deig, LLC can assist clients regarding real estate issues. If you have such an issue please contact us at (812) 477-5577.